Library Bulgarian Folk Dances for Children

Why enroll your child in our Bulgarian folk dance lessons?Online Bulgarian Dance Classes for Children

Online Bulgarian Dance Classes for Children

Traditional folk dances are incredibly beneficial for people of all ages. They help to strengthen not just the physical and mental health, but also the spirit. And, unlike adults, children can take full advantage of their many upsides with ease.

Bulgarian Steps offers a specialised folklore program focused on the youngest fans of the Bulgarian National Dance Culture. These online dance classes aim to allow Bulgarians, along with any foreigners, interested in our culture, to familiarise their children with the spirit of Bulgarian Folklore from an early age. The online dance lessons are suitable both for children who have yet to take their first steps to the dance floor, as well as for enthusiastic kids who are well acquainted with Bulgaria’s rich cultural heritage.

Bulgarian Folklore is a magical combination of beautiful movements, elegant costumes and folk poetry, accompanied by highly spirited music. It allows us to immerse ourselves in a new world, filled with deep emotions and heartfelt experiences, in tune with the lives of the ancient Bulgarians. Through it, we learn not only about the lifestyle but also about the ideas, viewpoints, joys, sorrows and spirit of Bulgaria.


Bulgarian folk dances:

Fight stress
Although most children are exposed to significantly less stress than adults, it is still present in their daily lives. The combination of physical activity, emotional charge and spiritual satisfaction provided by the Bulgarian folk dances is the ideal remedy against stress.
Provide enjoyable goals
Dancing is, above all, a fun and enjoyable hobby. With Bulgarian Steps, your child will not have to worry about grades, will not rush for school sessions, or worry about studying for exams. If your kid happens to miss a lesson, don't worry - all past sessions are stored in our online library, which can be accessed at any time!
Facilitate networking opportunities
Fascinating and interactive, Bulgarian Folk Dances are a group activity. Every gathering, wedding, holiday or a special occasion where people dance together provides not just exciting topics for conversation, but also an opportunity to establish long-term contacts.
Maintain physical shape
Dancing improves blood circulation, supports muscle development in children and strengthens the immune system.
Provide interesting and fun ways to study Bulgarian history and culture
Children (and adults!) Remember dates and facts much easier when the information is related to exciting activities, additional details or music.
Encourage diligence and teach discipline
Extremely important and highly sought-after; these qualities will stay with your child throughout their life, without creating unnecessary stress or tension.
Improve social and communication skills
The confidence and social skills that your child will acquire as a result of our dance practices can play a crucial role in their life moving forward.

DANCE AT HOMEPay £14.95 per Month

Discover a new version of folklore dance. Get full access to online classes and learn from the best teachers in the industry.
Online Dance Classes & Lessons - Bulgarian Steps


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196 Lancaster Road, London, EN2 0JH


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